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Give Santa a Break: Create a Gift List With Your Child

Making a list was always pure joy. The excitement and anticipation of Christmas combined with a cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows. Building a Santa Gift List was a time to bond with your child and discover all the cool things they’re interested in.

When I was a child (before the internet), my siblings and I eagerly awaited the arrival of the annual Christmas catalogs. We’d eagerly flip through page after page, hunting for the perfect gifts—a model toy train, Lego sets, sports equipment, clothes, and whatever else we wanted for the holidays. Then, we’d write them down on our handwritten lists and mail them off, hoping Santa would receive our scribbled requests. When Christmas arrived, the magic happened—maybe, just maybe, Santa had left something special under the tree.

Now, in the age of the internet, you can recreate that joy with your child—all without a single handwritten word. Santa is now online, ready to receive digital lists, whether by email or through social media. Simply create a Gift List with your child that you can easily share with Santa—and not to mention, grannies, grandpas, aunts, and uncles!

Create Your Gift List

It takes just a moment to create a personalized Santa List for you and your child.

Step 1: Log into your account. If you don’t have one, creating one is quick and easy!

Step 2: In the “Things to do” dropdown, select “Create another gift list.” This list will be for your child, so give it a name like “[Your child’s name]’s Santa List,” and get started.

Now the real fun begins! Santa gift list building is a special time to bond with your child and discover all the cool things they’re into.

Step 3: Browse your child’s favorite online stores, or head to the mall with the app. Add any toy, gadget, or book they want to your list by clicking the “Add to” button in your browser. If you’re out shopping and your child spots something they want, simply scan the barcode or take a photo and upload it directly to the list. Your child will be thrilled knowing Santa will know exactly what they want!

Step 4: Once the list is finished, have your child record a personal greeting for Santa. A custom video message is a fun way for your child to share how good they’ve been this year and express their excitement for Christmas.

Step 5: We know it can be tricky for Santa to prioritize a long list of gift ideas, so you can customize the order however you like. Put your child’s top wishes at the top or sort by price, just in case Santa’s budget is feeling a little tight this year.

And, because Christmas is about spreading joy, makes it easy to add a charitable giving option. Simply go to “Things to Do,” select “Charitable Giving,” and search for your favorite nonprofit. Santa can even make a donation to the charity of your choice on your child’s behalf.

This Christmas, may your holidays be merry, bright, and a little less stressful—thanks to a Santa List created online with your child.

Create a Gift List Today!

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